Any character in Amicas, except monks, may attempt to cast spells. Spells listed for Cleric or Paladin may only be cast by characters of that class unless another class is listed on the spell. Except for the specifics listed in this document, all other class restrictions on casting, such as alignment restrictions and preparation of spells apply. Those with only Barbarian, Fighter, and/or Rogue levels can cast any spell they know without preparing it ahead of time. Monks will not have access to spells, but will have greater access to Ki Points and Powers.
Hero Points are only awarded to player characters. Hero points do not renew over time or with rest. Once spent, they are gone forever. The GM is the final arbiter on the award and use of hero points.
All characters start without a class and will essentially be a level 0 character. Use these rules to build your starting character and then apply class levels as they progress.
An example geneology. I did the grandparents and parents/aunts/uncles in about 1 written page. As you will see most of the characters are unaccounted for or confirmed dead.