“Air is moving? Local Bard Senses That It is Neither Alive nor Dead.”
“Aggressive Otherworldly Creatures Kept Locked Up in the School Dungeon. The Question is Why?”
“Party finds Mechanical Creatures Attack the Party. The Party Defeats the Mechanical Timestealers Without Messing Up.”
“Party of New Students Find a Red Leprechaun in The Dungeon. Local Bard Tries to Befriend and Protect the Creature after Fellow Cleric hits It Really Hard. Is It Secretly Up to No Good?”
“Professor Click Finds Rowdy Students in the Dungeon and Dares to Put Bobby in a Corner.”
“Party is Once Again Reunited Outside of the Dungeon.”
“During Breakfast, Kat Studies While The Lich Sentences Everyone else to Detention.”
“Is The Lich the next William Shakespeare? Rejection Letter says Otherwise.”
“The Week’s Exams Begin: Konrad emerges as the only person that passes.”
“Students Dar-Wynn, Brega, and Konrad are forced to be followed with a flying orb camera dubbed Clank. Is this the end of privacy as we know it?”
Rumor: “Intelligent Animals Run Amok! Cause Pandemonium!” “Feisty Ferret To Blame!”
Rumor: “Mantis Professor: Coitus Interruptas??”
Rumor: “Tick-tock: Is Time Running Out for Our Students??”
“Kat Continues to Study while Everyone else gets chewed out by Succubus Teacher.”
“Kat Prints and Distributes Rumor Pamphlets dubbed ‘The Inquisitor.’ Everyone Else Does Something Productive”
“BREAKING NEWS: Fabio is Dead!!! Party Makes Plans to Visit The Mortuary.”
“Local Store-Owner Colin Offers the Party a Job to earn Store Credit.”
“The Inquisitor makes Teachers Upset. Will the Put an End to the Press once and for all?”
“Before Detention, Party Decides to Hear Out Colin’s Request. Dead Student set to be reanimated in a week. The Student’s parents wants to have the body back. Party declines the request.”
“Everyone Goes to detention where Savesha shows them the Orb Room.”
“Party decides to focus on studying at the school rather than solving the mystery. Is the school doomed????”