You know that expression about 'too many cooks'? Wait, no, not that one... I mean 'out of the frying pan, into the fire'? Yeah, that one... Well, that's pretty much what happened...
Though her comrades still had no idea what was happening, Dar-wynn survived the incident with the cursed dagger and went to the edge of the ship to call down to the boat in the water.
Brega tied the rope around her and placed the Ring of Flight onto her finger. She floated up to talk to Dar-wynn but after a few minutes, Brega fell to the boat below. She injured herself, but not seriously.
The men rowing the boat became upset and threatened to leave when they heard Dar-wynn invoking the name of the dead captain – Bartimaeus.
Brega tried to reason with the men but they are determined to leave. Kat had successfully climbed up to the deck of the ghost ship using the rope and she then pulled Konrad and Brega up behind her.
When we last saw our heroes , they had just arrived in West Haven. They found death everywhere except in the center of town they found a curious person named Drazul. It becomes obvious that she is infected with the demonic disease. Surrounded by scores of dead bodies, she raises them as mindless zombies to attack us. Through sheer force of will, Konraad is able to dispatch almost all of them with one swift stroke. Unfortunately, Drazul is able to dominate Konraad's mine and forces him to attack Dar-Wynn. Luckily she is resilient and able to withstand his attacks. Eventually Konraad is able to free himself from Drazul's bonds. Several giant zombies arrive to support their lesser kin. They are easily dealt with as well. Once the undead are wiped out, Drazul, contemplating her defeat, stares off into the distance, laughing. What she is looking at are hoards of evil creatures encroaching towards West Haven. At that moment, Drazul collapses into a swarm of flies leaving behind
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You know how you’ve said I always meet the most interesting people. I think I’ve meet more interesting people in the last couple of days than almost anyone does in a lifetime. I meet a tree that used to be a dwarf, a ‘Doom’ Priest that appeared in a column of flame and a man named Drazule that loves the dead way more than is legal anywhere.
The tree wasn’t too bad despite enthralling us and all the bones at laying at its roots. I let it pick me up and we had a nice chat. It even gave us a heads up about infected nearby. What was sad, is it hardly remembered being a dwarf so many years ago in the mountain. I suppose it’s better that way or it would have gone mad with loneliness.
Now the ‘Doom’ Priest was an interesting fellow. I don’t think we got on very well since I ended up wrapp
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***PLEASE NOTE: I will repost this content as a narrative when I post the write up for today's game (3/24/18)***
Davian searches for secret doors but does not find any. Davian does a survival check for traps but did not find any.
Everything is covered in a thick layer of fluffy dust, there is an ancient dwarven feel to the place, it is dark.
Davian casts light on his short sword to light the way for the party to continue to explore the immediate area. Davian performs a trap check of the stairs and everything looks clear.
The party comes to an open room, it is a grand and cavernous hall. Two mining cart tracks run across the room, one track ends in a rubble pile. There is a set of finely carved double doors stand at the North end of the room. A staircase also winds upward.
Davian examines the doors for traps and finds no traps.
Kat looks down the tracks and hears something in the darkness.
The mouth of the cave in the mountains was narrow but oh so deep. We began our trek into the long dark and it was countless hours lit only by our torches, and the stale are weighed heavy on our throats. Eventually the ebon monotony was interrupted by the labor of long dead artisans who left behind the strident lines carved into the stone walls. This was dwarven handiwork without a doubt. Despite the change in our surroundings, the journey continued for what seemed like days. Suddenly we came across a huge obsidian door. Not to be discouraged, Briga cast a knock spell upon the great portal and it granted us passage. And what did we find beyond? More dark. More tunnel.
Not too much further though we came across a dim light ahead and the rumblings of what sounded like ogres. Konraad slowly peered around the corner looking into a large chamber festooned with large ugly ogres indeed. Two slept while the rest of the bulbous creatures huddled around a large fire pit, eating mutto
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