The Stein and Sword
Dearest Mother,
Sorry it’s been a while since I’ve written. I’ve seen so many amazing things and met so many wonderful friends. Let me tell you of my latest friend/pet/eternal slave…
We were in a room that had a deep pit in the center and two large boulders on a track at the edge of the room. It turns out the rooms was the lair of a pair of sphinxes. They were a very friendly sort that took a great liking to me. I might even have stayed with them for a bit if they’d been able to produce a lovely collar, but alas they didn’t have one. We paid our fee and went onto the next hallway.
After entering the next hall I was surprised by a human fellow who had apparently been following us opening the door behind me. As I was currently claiming that hall and had lost a good bit of loot to the sphinxes, I offered to let him pass or
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