From: Ed Steele []
Sent: Friday, May 18, 2018 2:37 PM
Subject: what i am working on
Hey Ralph,
So here is the outline I came up with for my next book. Let me know what you think but don’t steal my ideas. Ok, pal?
Our party of adventurers is crammed in a tunnel. The scent of rot, a lot of rot, hangs in the area. It seems to be coming from more than one source.
Kat sees a big pile of stuff that she does not want to touch.
In the middle of the space, they observe a circular object with gates and rails.
Brega hears wind rushing back and forth like breath… Could this be dragon’s breath?
Davian examines the circular object in more detail. The wood is worn, evidence that heavy objects have been moving around.
Davian casts light and observes the pile of bodies
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