In the quest for magical engineering, the group of valiant adventurers are directed to the dining hall to eat a great feast.
Everyone in the party sits with Nethandric, who sits at the head of the table. Again, Nethandric asks the party about the nature of their quest.
Dar-wynn and Konrad explain that they are on a mission to repair the barrier between the planes of existence. That segues into a discussion of magical engineering and the adventurers are told that there will be an arena test that will be graded on a pass/fail scale.
The overriding question is: Does the group have all necessary components (skills, aptitude) to learn magical engineering.
Magical engineering is about combining spells to great effect.
Amicas is the one individual who can fix the barriers between the worlds, so ultimately, that is the goal of the quest. To find Amicas.
The headmaster knows where Amicas is but the group will likely d
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