The hags were defeated. We all noticed the fresh celestial mark upon Brega's forehead that she had received from her deity. Small price to pay after being saved from drowning. With the storm cleared after the death of the vile witches, we are able to continue our voyage to find Nathandric. The next morning we wake to find everything absolutely still. I would say there was an ill wind but for the fact there was no wind. The sea was silent and smooth as glass. All of the crew that were on deck were absolutely still, and no amount of prodding caused any change in their poses.
We retrieved the captain's spyglass and Kat climbed the mast to get a bearing in the crow's nest. Along the horizon off the starboard side we did notice motionless columns of smoke. On the port side we saw an island in the distance and some other object in the still water between the ship and the land. While sizing up our situation, Konraad scried into the future to gain a glimpse of what foe we may be e
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