The mouth of the cave in the mountains was narrow but oh so deep. We began our trek into the long dark and it was countless hours lit only by our torches, and the stale are weighed heavy on our throats. Eventually the ebon monotony was interrupted by the labor of long dead artisans who left behind the strident lines carved into the stone walls. This was dwarven handiwork without a doubt. Despite the change in our surroundings, the journey continued for what seemed like days. Suddenly we came across a huge obsidian door. Not to be discouraged, Briga cast a knock spell upon the great portal and it granted us passage. And what did we find beyond? More dark. More tunnel.
Not too much further though we came across a dim light ahead and the rumblings of what sounded like ogres. Konraad slowly peered around the corner looking into a large chamber festooned with large ugly ogres indeed. Two slept while the rest of the bulbous creatures huddled around a large fire pit, eating mutto
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