The group settled in on the beach and Davin and Flan skinned 6 of the boars that they killed. They ate some of the boar for dinner and planned to smoke the rest to replenish their rations.
The next day they wake to find a cargo barge sitting off shore. There are 6 people watching them. They don't appear to have weapons so Davin greets them, but they don't respond. The group decides to head down the beach but they leave the fire burning.
Shortly down the beach, a tall elven male approached the group. He greets them and states that he is from the temple of Nathis, god of magic. He was headed to the Golden Valley on a service journey and was diverted by an ethereal light (the light coming from the keg). He asks the group about the keg that they are carrying and ask if they know what it is. When they can not affirm that they do, he explains that it is the dead, ground bodies of faeries, sprites and other magical creatures. It is elemental magic and pure chaos. He
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