A brass bell chimes as Flan, Yalandra and Kurdreg enter the blacksmith shop through a crude but sturdy wooden door. A high pitched voice greets them and Kurdreg looks around to see where it could be coming from. They all expect to see a small child or perhaps a young woman, but are taken aback to see a large imposing man, his build evidence of his arduous trade. They all tilt their heads to take in the relatively giant figure and are momentarily paralyzed by the beady eyes bearing down on them from a head that appears to belong to a rat.
“Welcome folks. Take a look around. Let me know if anything catches your eye.” The squeak of his words is almost comical. Kurdreg and Yalandra manage to compose themselves and peruse the shop, hoping to find tools that will be useful on their journey, but also that they can afford.
“What's up with your head?” Kurdreg cringed hoping he didn't actually hear those word coming from Flan. “H
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