Excerpt from Pint Bloodhorn's journal: Although there was still much debate on whether that thing we just killed was made out of wax or flesh, it was agreed that it was indeed a golem and we were gonna leave it at that. Got better things than arguing about the specifics of the things we kill-- for instance, more killing! I will say I do like knowing how we kill things though, wish we could spend more time discussing that.
Speaking of extremely inefficient ways of spending our time, these two buggers that joined our group to look for their zombified family have proven to be more than just extremely irritating. They also happen to be outstandingly bad adventurers, though I should stop being surprised of that by now.
Suffice to say that they keep going in different directions shouting the names of their lost family members-- do they not realize we're in a zombie infested dungeon?? And they have the gall of calling -me- stupid. Well, if it get
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