Our path through The Bowels led us to another small room where we were immediately assaulted by a set of four goblin-esque creatures that moved in startling synchronicity. Dukek dropped Lord Baltron's prone body in the rear of our marching formation as we readied ourselves for battle, but before we could even effectively set ourselves in fighting positions these beasts blinked all around us, transporting around and through our ranks without lifting a foot. Novarg, Dukek and I found their resistance to cold steel to be a bit lacking, and soon lost our initial fright. There were two brief points in the battle where things could have easily gotten worse, but we managed to pull things out alright. Firstly one of the goblins managed to get in the midst of our formation, right next to Bariel, Kanar and Rufo. Thankfully Dukek was close by to render aid before things got out of hand. Secondly about halfway through the battle the beasts morphed in such a way as I have never seen before. Their n
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