A strange elven apparition stopped us dead in our tracks as we approached the fried orc's corpse. It was difficult to discern what he was trying to tell us, but we got the message that things were happening very swiftly and that we'd best head to the gatehouse as soon as possible, army at the White Knuckles be damned. We scrambled outside and Kanar, still in an incorporeal form thanks to very strange magicks, scouted the gatehouse for us and found nothing. We all followed after and confirmed that whatever Leptor and his minions had been up to, it was clear that they were no longer using this location as a base. I think Adderwood was looking forward to seeing what prizes could be found in Leptor's laboratory, but we didn't have time to sulk. A brief discussion led us to the conclusion that the culmination of this dog chase would occur at the temple site. Back to the teleport pad we went.
I was very eager to confront the foul wizard and discover what he'd done with the ruby Lord
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