We sat to catch our breaths on the island near the temple and it quickly became apparent that we would need to replenish our resources more before fighting our way through the tower and over to the gatehouse to find Leptor's laboratory. (As a side note, it appears that my bite is not infected, thank Tamrith). A short note found on Leptor's body shortly before he vanished lent more confusion than actual information, as it insinuated that this maniacal human had at one time been the great dwarf Baltron's apprentice. After a brief discussion we went back to the mysterious deserted city to find a secure building to rest in. Rufo scouted ahead and found a lavish, if nerve racking, building that looked more recently abandoned than the rest of the city. We checked it out, but it gave Adderwood and Kanar a strange feeling, so we left it alone. There was a small servents outbuilding in the back that we decided to use as our defensive point, as it had only one door and was still within the outer
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