We finished dealing with the mass of orcs and their ogre-mage master and were desperately trying to catch our breaths and understand the transformation that had come over Atterwood and Kanar (as well as our apparent betrayal at the hands of Barille, when we heard humanoid voices coming from an adjoining chamber. Atterwood proved his loyalty, even in undeath, by using one of his more powerful spells to seal off that entrance, giving us a few minutes at the least. We immediately took stock of our situation and provisions and added to them by looting the body of the mage. From the ogre's body our gnome friend managed to find the spell-book, including a chant that allowed him to open up an extra-dimensional safe haven that we all (except Rufo, who's skill at stealth should save his skin) clamored into. This spell proved unbelievably useful as it protected us from the cultists' search parties for the next two days while Barille called upon his god to restore our undead comrades to true life
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